Upcoming Local Events

Events  2019

Play  in Ballintogher Community  Centre “Don’t Tell The Wife “Comedyby Sam Cree by Wind Mill Players ( West Sligo Group )Pleasenote  rescheduled  date - Fri 1st  Sat 2ndMarch’19 at  8pm.    Booking -Mary 087 9964143


Ceili in Ballintogher Community Centre - Friday 15th March’19at  9.30pm

Music by DuntallyCeili Band. Refreshments served.

Social Dance in Ballintogher CommunityCentre Friday 12th April ’19 , 9.30pm

Music by Michael Wash & Friends.  FáilteRoimh gach einne.

2019 -Sligo Co.Fleadh in Riverstown - Closing Date forEntries is - Saturday 6thApril.

Please note that no entriescan be accepted after this date  -contact Co. Secretary Tim Mulcahy

at 0876296899  email>          sligocce.secretary@gmail.com

Friday 29th March’19   9pm  - RamblingHouse in No. I  EnterpriseCentre  Ballintogher ,     

Come  - tell a story, play music, sing asong, lilt, dance a step, or  justcome-  listen and join the Craic,bring a friend & enjoy a cuppa Enq.087 6645509

Ballintogher 22nd Annual Festival - Dates2019  :   from Tuesday 15th Octto Sun. 27th Oct ‘19

Tue 15th - Irish Night

Fri. 18th Official Opening & Concert

Sat 19th Ceili

Sun 20th Aifreann  11.30am  /  Music session

Sun. 27th Oct  ( 42nd ) Annual Feis - Competitions:-   Dancing CLRG/ Music/   Story /  Singing,

Sean Nos Dancing

Further details &  final programme later-  contact  Teresa .  email teresamccorm@hotmail.com


Feis Shligigh Concert


Mass Invitation